What does living successfully with ADHD mean to you? Perhaps you think success is focusing more easily or following-through on projects. Perhaps it’s getting organized or finding...
ADHD Symptom Control
Adult ADHD – How To Remember To Drink Water
In my last ADHD Success blog post I shared why drinking enough water is important in managing Attention Deficit. Today let's talk about how you can remember to drink water if you...
A Trick for Overcoming ADHD Distraction
Getting distracted is a major symptom of adult ADHD. Does this sound familiar? You’re working on one task or project only to notice suddenly that you’re doing something...
How To Stop Losing Things
I hate it when I lose things. Don’t you? For ADHD adults losing things seems a sad fact of life. Besides being annoying it wastes tons of time, makes us late and causes panic....
Why Self-Care Is Important to Managing ADD Symptoms
Lately I’ve posted many ADD Success blogs about how to manage your ADD / ADHD symptoms with self-care: exercise, sleep, diet and supplements. Self Treatment for ADHD: Remembering...
Six Guidelines for Taking ADD / ADHD Supplements
Taking your supplements and vitamins to get the best results for treating your Adult ADD / ADHD can be a bit confusing. What time of day should you take them? With or without...
Self Treatment for ADHD: Remembering To Take Your Supplements
At the risk of sounding like your mother, “Take your vitamins!” Vitamins and supplements, especially Omega-3 Fish Oils, are important parts of self treatment of ADHD / ADD. You...
ADHD and Exercise: Find Your Key to Motivation
Have you lost your key? The key to unlocking your motivation to exercise? Motivating yourself to exercise with Adult ADHD isn’t rocket science, but you do have to outsmart your...
Why ADD / ADHD Adults Don’t Exercise
I’m curious. Why don’t you exercise? Especially if you know how essential exercise is to managing ADD / ADHD Symptoms? I don't ask this question to make you feel guilty. I'm...
Add Diet to Sleep and ADHD Problems
In my last post, Sleep Problems for Adults with ADD / ADHD , I mentioned how ADHD adults often have trouble staying asleep. I looked for research to find out why, discovering...