Vitamins and minerals are critical to healthy brain function, but eating well (like we’ve been discussing in recent episodes) is usually not enough to ensure we’re getting what...
Kick Some ADHD Podcast
Ep. 87: ADHD Eating Made Easier
Did you know that I have a podcast? It's true! It's called Kick Some ADHD and I co-host it with David G. Johnson, a fabulous marketing strategist with ADHD.In each episode, David...
Ep. 86: Foods That F* Up Your Brain
On the Kick Some ADHD podcast, we kicked off our series on food by talking about eating for ADHD success. And just like some foods can really help your ADHD brain work better,...
Ep. 85: Eating for ADHD Success
If you have ADHD, what, when, and how you eat has a big influence on how your brain works. Not eating (or eating the wrong kinds of foods) will make it harder to focus and...
Ep. 84: Designing a Productive Day
Productivity seems to be the never-ending concern with ADHD. It’s more than getting stuff done—it’s getting the right stuff done. And it’s also about avoiding the discouragement...
Ep. 83: Favorite Focusing Hacks
To be able to focus at will is arguably the “Holy Grail” of ADHD. But what does it even look like? Does it mean focusing on the shiny? Or perhaps our favorite distractions? Nope....
Ep. 82: Are You Procrastibating?
What is procrastibating… and are you doing it right now?! This week we’re diving into a concept that came up a few episodes back. You might remember hearing Dana accidentally use...
Ep. 80: Why Ask Why?
Curiosity is an important trait for living an easier life with ADHD. We certainly need to question what we do and what happened in order to change. But asking the “How…?,”...
Ep. 79: Anti-Resolution Revolution
It’s a new year and a new season of Kick Some ADHD! We kick off Season 3 with a frank discussion about New Year’s Resolutions and ADHD. We’ve given up on them, and for...
Ep. 78: Reducing ADHD Holiday Hazards
The holidays can be really hard on people with ADHD. There are loads of “shoulds” and “gottas,” extra tasks, activities, and pressures that pile up on top of lives that might...