People with ADHD tend to earn less than neurotypical peers. This isn’t just your imagination—according to Dana, studies have shown this correlation between underearning and ADHD...
Kick Some ADHD Podcast
Ep. 76: Making Peace Between ADHD & Money
Money challenges with ADHD are incredibly common. Handling money is intertwined with so many prevalent ADHD symptoms that it’s presumed you’ll struggle at some point. Whether...
Ep. 75: What’s the Deal with ADHD Impulsive Spending?
With the holiday season upon us, ADHD impulsive spending can become an even bigger problem than it is at other times of the year. What tends to snag you? Black FridaySmall...
Ep. 74: Hobby Collecting
One way we self-medicate as people with ADHD is to include fun and interesting things in our world. It’s a hobby collecting practice that helps us focus, makes life more...
Ep. 73: Is Self-Medicating All Bad?
When you hear the term, “self-medicating,” it’s usually in a negative context, whether applied to someone with ADHD or not. But is it always a bad thing? For the purposes of this...
Ep. 72: One-Rat Study: Your ADHD
(Note: this episode is about how to work with your ADHD Manipulation Matrix, the tool for tracking your brain care to manage (manipulate) your ADHD that we described in Episode...
Ep. 71: ADHD Manipulation Matrix
Let’s be real: ADHD manipulates us. And if you’re tired of being manipulated by your ADHD, then it’s payback time! In this week’s episode of the Kick Some ADHD podcast, Dana sets...
Ep. 69: A Few of Our Favorite ADHD Things
We often spend energy and time focused on the “bad” parts of living with ADHD. And let’s face it: there can be bad parts—especially when ADHD isn’t well managed. We’ve all been...
Ep. 67: Having a Productive Day?
Which describes you at the end of a typical workday? Scenario 1: You’re sliding in at quitting time—you do have a quitting time, right?—frazzled and exhausted with the important...
Ep. 66: Your Priorities Blueprint
Here’s a dose of reality: when you have ADHD, it can be really hard to know what to work on first. Prioritizing work is a major challenge with ADHD. Without a...