One of my favorite iPhone apps to stay organized with Adult ADD/ADHD is the Due App. Not only do I use this app, but as an ADHD coach I also recommend it to my clients as a...
Organizing ADHD
Worried Adult ADHD Will Make You Lose Your iPhone?
If you’re not yet a pro at being organized with adult attention deficit you lose things. A lot. Losing and misplacing things is one of the hallmarks of our scattered, unfocused...
Confessions of an Adult ADHD Coach
Many years before I'd heard of Adult ADD or ADHD, I was determined to learn how to be an organized person. Playing Harriet the Spy, I secretly observed the organized people in my...
The Secret to Staying Organized
Take a moment and think about the words you use to talk about organizing. If you're like most disorganized people you say, "I need to get organized.” However, simply getting...
A Simple ADHD Organizing Trick
Here's a brilliantly simple ADHD organizing trick one of my delightful ADD Coaching clients told me about last month. She stumbled across it while searching the Internet. This...
Earth Shattering Articles About Organizing Adult ADD / ADHD
I've been ditzing around in my spare time all week attempting to come up with a clever blog post sure to knock your adult ADD / ADHD on its rear, yet I'm not having much luck....
Organizing Adult ADHD / ADD for Taxes
You don't know it yet but, at the end of this article, you're going to feel a lot more confident about how an ADHD Adult can get organized for taxes. Adult ADHD and getting...
Tax Preparation and Adult ADD / ADHD
Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD / ADHD) can make preparing taxes seem like an impossible task. The symptoms of ADD / ADHD are the same skills required for tax...