ADHD Success Blog


Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

I originally sent this issue of ADD Success on 9/12/01. Though the writing style is rough the message remains the same. CHOOSE TO IMPROVE I was...

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How To Stop Losing Things

How To Stop Losing Things

I hate it when I lose things. Don’t you? For ADHD adults losing things seems a sad fact of life. Besides being annoying it wastes tons of time,...

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Are You Shoulding on Yourself?

Are You Shoulding on Yourself?

Adults with ADD or ADHD should on themselves a lot. "I should be more organized". "I should be able to file these papers." "I should be more patient...

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A Simple ADHD Organizing Trick

A Simple ADHD Organizing Trick

Here's a brilliantly simple ADHD organizing trick one of my delightful ADD Coaching clients told me about last month. She stumbled across it while...

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Musings About ADHD Medication

Musings About ADHD Medication

I don't spend much time writing about ADHD medication. It's a sure way to bring on a flaming argument. You see, I'm a lousy arguer; at least at the...

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