"Help! ADHD is destroying my life," the voice said when I answered the phone. Another ADHD emergency, I thought. I call them as ADHD 911 calls. Desperate pleas for help with...
ADHD Symptom Control
How to Overcome ADHD Christmas Overwhelm
Is ADHD Christmas overwhelm setting in yet? I used to dread Christmas for that very reason. Our lives are usually in overwhelm before the holidays hit. Hanging by our fingernails...
Still Waiting to Fulfill Your Dreams?
Often people with ADHD give up on their dreams. I know I did for years. With ADHD snarling the details of life, reaching your dreams can seem impossible. After all, how can you...
Can Dehydration Increase ADHD Symptoms?
While I was waiting for a Berry Blast Smoothie at my favorite juice bar, I made a startling connection: dehydration may increase ADHD symptoms. I noticed a small poster on the...
How To Manage Adult ADHD – Deciding What To Do Next
Can you relate to this problem? Most of my ADHD coaching clients learning how to manage adult ADHD struggle with indecision. They have a To-Do List a mile long, yet they sit at...
When ADHD Shoulding Hits the Fan
Adults with ADHD should on themselves a lot, but then discover unpleasant side effects when ADHD shoulding hits the fan. Consider these familiar ADHD shoulding phrases: “I should...
Do You Stifle Your ADHD Personality?
Do You Stifle Your ADHD Personality? Everyone is unique, but often those of us with Attention Deficit Disorder are truly unconventional. To borrow from my favorite Thoreau...
ADHD Survival Guide for Summer – Tip 3: Plan for Transitions
Living with adult ADHD can be like living in a different world sometimes, one sprinkled with unique challenges. Especially during the summer when your schedule is a little more...
ADHD Summer Survival Tip #2: Prioritizing Essential Tasks
Do you find yourself facing more ADHD problems during the summer, wishing you knew how to survive summer with ADHD? Even ADHD adults who successfully manage their business and...
ADHD Summer Survival Tip #1: Realistic Planning
The lazy days of summer are here. Thoughts of ADHD summer survival may have crossed your mind. The kids are getting out of school, schedules are relaxed, the sun is calling, and...