I have a teensy assignment for you to help you live successfully and more easily with ADHD. Ready? Say, “I approve of myself” at least 100 times a day. Don’t make a big deal of...
ADHD Success Skills and Tools
SELF CHECK: How Are Your ADHD Life Skills?
ADHD adults and cats have a lot in common. It’s true. When your ADHD life skills are weak, you’ll spend a ton of energy covering up your messes. Just like a cat in a litter box....
Resolutions… ADHD Style
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! It's that time of year again - when many of us sit down and think about what we want for the New Year. Maybe you want to procrastinate less or exercise more....
Holiday Stress and the Gift of Time
For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about holiday stress. How all the shopping, decorating, cooking, socializing, and nonstop stuff we have to do can wreak havoc on our...
Divide and Conquer: ADHD Style
So…how do you eat an elephant? You do it… one bite at a time. What does this terrible joke/saying have to do with ADHD? It’s actually a great way to remember an important tool...
Fine Tune Your ADHD Productivity
FIRST, A STATUS REPORT: I’m proud to say my bathrobe is still hidden away in my closet behind a closed door. It is only allowed out at times when I can succumb to my ADHD...
Giving Gifts to Your Future Self
I first heard the idea of a future self from a discussion of psychology - who you will be in the future. It’s a growth mindset where you are less concerned about who you are...
Erase ADHD Summer Struggles
Seems there’s an epidemic of ADHD struggles going around this summer! At least that’s what I’ve been hearing from my ADHD Success Club members. I’m struggling to be on my game,...
Making Your Summer Easier with ADHD
If you've been with me for a while, then you know my goal is to help you live easier with ADHD so you find success in all areas of life. A successful day for you might be getting...
Your ADHD Stimulation Lever
Last week we talked about getting stuff done, how we’re aiming for a balance, and why paying attention to stimulation is important to creating an easier ADHD life. And, I...