Looking to shop for a loved one with ADHD this holiday season? Or maybe the loved one is you? Here are some of my top ideas for holiday gifts that are fun and helpful in...
ADHD Symptom Control
Don’t Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome – Use It to Manage ADHD!
Distractions, known as shiny objects, are dangerous for adults with ADHD. They sparkle and call your name. Like a magnet, they pull your attention away from what you're supposed...
5 Questions to Determine If Your ADHD Needs Help
You’ve been living with ADHD your whole life. Maybe you struggled as a child to do your homework, stay organized, and pay attention. Diagnosed or not, you’ve been working to...
Ep. 161: Physical Well-Being and ADHD
Can being in physical pain make your ADHD symptoms more difficult to deal with? Have you ever thought about how pain disrupts your ADHD coping strategies? It affects everything...
Road Tripping with ADHD
Summer is in full swing and that may mean a few road trips this season. I LOVE jumping in the car in the summer. Windows down, music blasting, audiobook entertaining me....
Mindfulness for Emotions and ADHD
There’s no doubt that the last few years have been tough on all of us. Whether you grieved the loss of a loved one, had to quickly adjust to new working conditions, or deal daily...
ADHD and Distractions: Part 1
Spring is sprung. The weather is getting nicer. Birds are singing and those darn squirrels are reveling in the sunshine causing… you guessed it… distractions! I don’t know about...
How Do You Know If Your ADHD Medication Is Working?
I often get asked about ADHD medications especially how to know if they are working. I wrote this blog in 2017 and wanted to reshare it so you can begin to notice! It happens all...
Four Common ADHD Medication Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
As an adult ADHD coach, my clients and I talk about many ways to make life with ADHD easier. When we focus on the details of their ADHD treatment, finding they are making common...
First Step to Better Sleep with ADHD
Here are four obvious simple words that should come as no surprise: ADHD adults need sleep. Period. Full Stop. We know this. Your family, friends, and coworkers know...