Russ Jones, host of the popular podcast "ADHD Big Brother" is hilarious and we instantly connected so we have done something cool! I was recently a guest on an episode of HIS...
Kick Some ADHD Podcast
Episode 207: Priorities? What Priorities?
Let's talk about one of the challenges that many people with ADHD have: prioritization. You know...struggling with what to do when. And we are going to talk about this a little...
Episode 206: Later Means Never
One of the sneaky little lies we tell ourselves is: “Oh, I’ll do it later.” You’ve used that one before, right? "I’ll do it later" is our favorite form of procrastination. It...
Episode 205: Travel Bell Curve
With ADHD, we live in the Now / Not Now which means we have a hard time planning ahead. I have found this happened dramatically when I traveled. I looked at a trip as: I live my...
Episode 204: ADHD Hobby Collecting
Painting, drawing, investing, gardening, singing, cross stitch...ADHD hobby collecting is a real thing. We have so MANY interests. Our ADHD brains love to learn and we jump on...
Episode 203: Be a Good Friend
Are you a good friend? Or does your ADHD get in the way of maintaining long-term, quality friendships? I have a confession: I struggle at being a good friend and I’m tired of...
Episode 202: ADHD Gets Easier
Do you get frustrated with all you have to do to manage your ADHD? All the pieces that go into making sure your ADHD brain has all it needs? It can get overwhelming and...
Episode 201: ADHD Planning Super Charged
There's an important piece of planning that many people overlook and something that has completely changed my life: the weekly plan. Why is this so important? Because when you...
Episode 200: Planning Low Bar
You’ve heard it over and over… you need to plan. You know it’s true and that it will help you live easier with ADHD, but you likely still don’t plan in a consistent manner in a...
Episode 199: Jumpstart Your Day
In this episode of the Kick Some ADHD podcast, we are going to take a different twist on getting started. Specifically, how to jumpstart your day so it’s productive and you get...