What's one of my favorite things to do? Help clients discover creative ways to get organized with ADHD. Sometimes, thinking way out of the box is the best way to combat ADHD...
Organizing ADHD
How Organized Do You Need to Be?
When you decide it's time to learn how to get organized, you have an important question to answer. How organized do you need to be with ADHD? I can't emphasize enough how...
Some Bad ADHD Organizing Advice
Sometimes I come across bad ADHD organizing advice. Here’s a recent Tweet from someone claiming to be an ADHD guru: “It’s summer. Get organized with ADHD. Have a garage sale!”...
A Magical ADHD Clutter Clearing Trick
Here’s a treat! A magical ADHD clutter clearing trick. It’s one of my favorites. You long-time ADHD Success readers may remember this one from 2011. But, it’s a goody and worth...
ADHD? The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up?
Got ADHD? The Life Changing Magic of Tidying is more like dark magic for ADHD adults. Setting you up for another round of disappointment. Another round of organizing failure....
6 Simple ADHD Tax Organizing Tips
Today, let’s continue our look into ADHD and taxes. Here are my favorite ADHD tax organizing tips. Won’t life be peachy when organizing tax information is quick and easy? Last...
Learn How To Be Organized with ADHD
I sit up and pay attention when I find someone who has accomplished what I want to do. How did they do it? What were their struggles? What can I learn from them? That’s why today...
5 Key Principles for Staying Organized with ADHD
Today we’ll continue our conversation about staying organized with ADHD. Last week we talked about how to get off the organizing roller coaster. So you stop getting organized...
A Simple Trick For Staying Organized With ADHD
You're about to learn a fantastic trick for staying organized with ADHD. Use this organizing trick consistently and, overtime, much of the clutter in your home and office will...
A Simple ADHD-Friendly Trick for Clearing Clutter
Last week I wrote about how not to clear clutter if you have ADHD. If you missed it, I reviewed the best selling book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. This week I want to...