Want to know one of the first steps to living successfully with ADHD? Here it is: You need to build an ADHD support team. If you want to get more done and have a calmer, more...
ADHD Coaching
How to Know If ADHD Coaching Is For You
Let’s take a look at some signs that show you might want to consider adding an ADHD Coach to your “Live Successfully with ADHD Team.” Eight Signs that Indicate You May Need an...
How ADHD Coaching Can Help Improve Your Life
Last week, we started talking about ADHD coaching and what an ADHD Coach does. So let’s get a bit more specific about how ADHD coaching can help you. Simple -- By giving you...
Overwhelmed? Consider ADHD Coaching
If you have ADHD, then there is a good chance that you struggle to focus. You forget appointments. Miss deadlines. Work hard all day long but end up getting very little done. ...
ADHD Hack to Feel Better
Hey, I have a teensy assignment for you that'll make living with your ADHD easier. It's a little ADHD hack – something that can make you feel better and not so down on yourself....
Don’t Let ADHD Stop You
As we embark on a New Year, I have one wish for you… No matter what goals you set. Regardless of what this year holds for you and what the next 12 months throw at you...I hope...
We Proved Her Wrong!
Four years ago, when I set out to create the ADHD Success Club, my coach told me I couldn’t do it. She said no one would sign up for such a comprehensive program. That people...
2 Things I want for you and your ADHD
When I was about 19 years old I had an ‘aha’ moment. My life until then had been a struggle. Never a stellar student, my first semester of college was a royal disaster. I...
Best Tips for Picking an ADHD Coach
Is the thought of picking an ADHD coach overwhelming? To some people choosing an ADHD coach seems so hard that they procrastinate for months or even years. They wait until ADHD...
Mastering Time
April is a big month for me. Favorite Husband and I celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary. (Who knew I could stick with something for so many years. Not bored yet!) To celebrate...