Do you think it’s odd to talk about taking down your decorations before Christmas? If you've got ADHD, this is exactly when you need to think about organizing Christmas...
Organizing ADHD
Secret to Getting Rid of Clutter for Good
Now that we’ve talked about the reasons you may be struggling to stay organized (and if you missed it, take a look here), let’s talk about the secret to getting rid of clutter...
Are You Struggling to Stay Organized with ADHD?
Do you find yourself getting organized over and over, only to have the clutter return? How frustrating is that?! Struggling to stay organized with ADHD is the most common ADHD...
Tried & True ADHD Travel Tip
Packing for my Spring Break travels has inspired me to share an amazing ADHD travel tip that has literally changed my life whenever travel time nears. Sometimes, just the thought...
Start Controlling Clutter with ADHD Organization Tools
A major roadblock in the path to ADHD success is being unaware. Lack of awareness causes all kinds of trouble for adults with ADHD - especially unchecked clutter and chaos. I’m...
Tired of Struggling to Find Lost Items? Get Organized with ADHD
Struggling to find lost items? Your keys? Your phone? Your wallet? Finding lost items is a huge challenge when it comes to organizing for ADHD adults. Be honest. How often do you...
Living Clutter Free with ADHD
Are you living clutter free with ADHD? Let’s play a game to decide. Take a second and look up from your screen. What do you see? Piles of paper and a jumble of junk? Think about...
How To Quickly Clear Paper Clutter
What do organized people know that you don't? How to quickly clear paper clutter. In fact, one of the first things you'll notice when you enter an organized person's home or...
Dana’s ADHD-Friendly Christmas Decorating System
Ready for my favorite ADHD-friendly Christmas decorating system? Decorating for Christmas can be an ADHD organizing nightmare. All those Christmas decorations adding more clutter...
Does Your Hidden Clutter Matter?
Some people call it clutter only when the mess is visible. Out in the open for the world to see. They assume hidden clutter doesn’t matter. I disagree. Yes, visible clutter is...