While on the treadmill at the gym the other day, I eavesdropped on a nearby conversation. Hearing, "using ADHD as an excuse", grabbed my attention. (Yes, I admit it. I'm an...
Understanding ADHD
Kim’s Story About Living to ADHD Potential
Last week I met a woman named Kim who, when she discovered I’m an ADHD coach, shared her personal story with me. How she learned about living to her ADHD potential. Kim's ADHD...
An ADHD Coach Takes Tangled to Tapestry
Usually, people want to find an ADHD coach because their lives are a tangled mess. Private Clients or ADHD Success Club members. It doesn't matter. Both are weary of the living a...
The Strong Link Between ADHD and Diet
You know how filling your car with cheap gas leaves your engine pinging and knocking? The link between ADHD and diet isn’t far off. Eat the wrong foods, or don’t eat, and you...
ADHD-Friendly Tax Time? Really!
ADHD adults have a complicated relationship with tax season. Finding ADHD-friendly tax organizing tricks is one problem. Preparing that darn tax return is another. Of course, tax...
ADHD Sucks. Now What?
ADHD sucks. So, what are you going to do about it? You could complain. Lots of people complain about their ADHD. There can be lots to complain about. "I can't focus." "I can't...
The Risks of Misunderstanding ADHD
Misunderstanding ADHD makes life’s challenges even harder. You think you’re doing something that makes ADHD easier to live with. The reality? You’re actually dropping a boulder...
Common ADHD Misunderstandings about Inattentive ADHD
Again, we’re reaching for the truth. Building on last week's look into common ADHD misunderstandings. (Here's the link to last week's blog where I blow up the idea that ADHD...
Are You Shoulding on Yourself?
Adults with ADD or ADHD should on themselves a lot. "I should be more organized". "I should be able to file these papers." "I should be more patient with my kids." "I should be...