Procrastination is a hot topic here at ADD Success World Headquarters these days. Actually, when you're dealing with ADHD, procrastinating is always a hot topic. But, ADHD and...
ADHD Success Skills and Tools
Stop Procrastinating with ADHD
Is Stop Procrastinating near the top of your to do list? It’s sure to be if you have ADHD. You do everything and anything but what you’re supposed to do. Like, check email, read...
The ABC’s of ADHD Success
You probably already know what ADHD Success is. I talk about it so much though that I thought I’d tell you what it means to me. In my view, ADHD Success is the goal. The holy...
Struggling with ADHD? Don’t Try Harder
What's the wrong answer to give to someone struggling with ADHD? Just try harder. Yet, if you struggle with adult ADHD, I suspect you've heard 'just try harder' your whole life....
ADHD Driving Tips – Are You a Hazard?
The other day I read an article about a Canadian study about ADHD and driving. Apparently researchers noticed driving with ADHD increases the incidence of traffic collisions,...
5 Tips For How To Be On Time with ADHD
One question I'm asked a lot is how to be on time. ADHD adults mean well, but are late for just about everything. No matter how important the appointment or event. Being late...
Another ADHD Myth Exposed
Let’s expose a popular ADHD myth. Living with ADHD is easier when you’re ADHD savvy; with a deep understanding of what’s typical ADHD behavior and what’s not. Yet I'm often...
Do You Have a Supportive ADHD Community? – ADHD Structure #9
Life with attention deficit can be a lonely place. That’s why our ADHD structure #9, build a supportive ADHD community, is so important. (This is the last in our series on key...
4 Key Tools for Adults with ADHD – ADHD Structure #8
I know how it is. Tasks are flying at you from every direction. You’re disorganized, late and behind on all your projects. Would it help if I told you that you're smack in the...
Make Your Life Easier with ADHD Systems – Key #7 to Create Structure for ADHD Adults
ADHD systems are the place to start if you’re tired of struggling with ADHD. If you want an easier life. Less clutter. Fewer distractions. A completed task list. Less stress....