Ep. 67: Having a Productive Day?

Ep. 67: Having a Productive Day?

Which describes you at the end of a typical workday? Scenario 1: You’re sliding in at quitting time—you do have a quitting time, right?—frazzled and exhausted with the important stuff still lingering on your to-do list, afraid they will discover how much time you...
Your Brain on ADHD

Your Brain on ADHD

If you’ve heard me say it once, you’ve heard me say it again and again – ADHD is a brain issue. It’s not about having more willpower or reducing your stubbornness or trying harder. It legitimately involves brain chemistry and neurotransmitters and areas of your...
Ep. 66: Your Priorities Blueprint

Ep. 66: Your Priorities Blueprint

Here’s a dose of reality: when you have ADHD, it can be really hard to know what to work on first. Prioritizing work is a major challenge with ADHD. Without a systematic approach, we’re often tempted to just work on the most overdue, most interesting, or...
Ep. 65: Is ADHD Success Even Possible?

Ep. 65: Is ADHD Success Even Possible?

We often hear the phrase “ADHD success” bantered about. For that matter, we even used it last time when we said ADHD Success is Sexy. But what do we mean when we talk about ADHD success? If at some level we’re all striving for it (those of us with ADHD, at least),...
Ep. 64: ADHD Success is Sexy

Ep. 64: ADHD Success is Sexy

When you think about what makes someone “sexy,” it can be something very different in the early days of a relationship compared to what makes them sexy later on. In a more casual dating ADHD relationship, maybe “sexy” equates to physical traits or other more surface...