Ep. 132: Are You Making ADHD Harder?

Ep. 132: Are You Making ADHD Harder?

Are you like many people with ADHD and have a strong urge to do something that actually makes your life harder? Yep… we can be like moths drawn to a flame. It’s a trap! What is this tendency, you ask? It’s the sometimes insatiable need to create overly complex...
Ep. 131: 5 Steps for Starting

Ep. 131: 5 Steps for Starting

You know that feeling when you’re brain just won’t let you get started on something? Maybe it’s boring. Or maybe it’s overwhelming to you for one reason or another. Either way, the ADHD brain has at least 1 biological reason… among other very real reasons why. It’s...
First Step to Better Sleep with ADHD

First Step to Better Sleep with ADHD

Here are four obvious simple words that should come as no surprise: ADHD adults need sleep.  Period. Full Stop.  We know this. Your family, friends, and coworkers know this. You probably experience this truth on a regular basis and don’t need a research...
Ep. 130: Mindset Reset

Ep. 130: Mindset Reset

What if there were one thing that could be a huge drain on your mental and emotional energy? And what if making a simple change could have a dramatic positive impact on not just both of those, but could also significantly improve your chances of making this new year...
Resolutions… ADHD Style

Resolutions… ADHD Style

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! It’s that time of year again – when many of us sit down and think about what we want for the New Year. Maybe you want to procrastinate less or exercise more. Clear off your desk or kitchen table every night. Eat and sleep better. All...