Episode 203: Be a Good Friend

Episode 203: Be a Good Friend

Are you a good friend? Or does your ADHD get in the way of maintaining long-term, quality friendships? I have a confession: I struggle at being a good friend and I’m tired of being that person. Listen to Episode 203 of Kick Some ADHD for my new plan on how I’m going...
Episode 202: ADHD Gets Easier

Episode 202: ADHD Gets Easier

Do you get frustrated with all you have to do to manage your ADHD? All the pieces that go into making sure your ADHD brain has all it needs? It can get overwhelming and exhausting doing it all. (And witnessing those without ADHD doing none of it!) I want to reassure...
Plugging Your ADHD Energy Drains

Plugging Your ADHD Energy Drains

I find it amazing how people with ADHD can pack their lives full with activities.  In a frantic quest for stimulation, we dash from one meeting to the next. We get involved with this committee or that task. Our weekends are one long string of outings, projects...