How to Finish Projects If You Have ADHD

How to Finish Projects If You Have ADHD

Wondering how to finish projects if you have ADHD? Of course you are! We are famous for not finishing what we start. Often leaving projects only 90% done.  Not finishing projects frustrates anyone who has ADHD. It annoys the heck out of the people we live and work...
Does ADHD Get Worse with Age?

Does ADHD Get Worse with Age?

Does ADHD get worse with age? That’s an interesting question and one I seem to be getting often these days. As I mentioned in Episode 218 of Kick Some ADHD, ADHD can get worse with menopause for women as a reduction in estrogen impacts brain functioning. But...
Ep. 218 Menopause and ADHD

Ep. 218 Menopause and ADHD

If you’re a woman over 40, you might be wondering why your ADHD symptoms are going haywire. Or you might be looking up the diagnosis wondering if you have ADHD when it had never occurred to you before. Welcome to menopause (and the precursor stage before it...