How Are You Coping?

How Are You Coping?

Does life seem extra chaotic these days? Mine sure does. If you’re suffering from Disaster Whiplash, you’re not alone. As if the pandemic, home-schooling, and political mayhem weren’t enough. Seems like life is throwing a ton of other stuff our way,...
What Makes ADHD Worse?

What Makes ADHD Worse?

What Makes ADHD Worse? Recently I’ve received a few questions from ADD Success readers who wondered if ADHD gets worse with age. There are number of things that can make ADHD symptoms worse, and yes, age can be one of them. What else makes ADHD symptoms worse?...
Does Your ADHD Brain Need an Off-Switch?

Does Your ADHD Brain Need an Off-Switch?

Do you ever wish your overactive ADHD brain had an off-switch? That you could instantly stop the flood of ideas oozing from your brain? I do. Here it is 4:45 AM and I’ve already mentally written three ADD Success articles, planned an Internet marketing strategy...